Trainer’s Corner

At the Hub Gym our Broken Arrow personal trainers are committed to helping you to get in the best shape of your life with training, motivation, nutrition coaching and accountability. At the Hub we get results, but don’t take our word for it. Watch the following testimonials found below:

What do you hear when you hear the term Personal Training? Many of us think of a highly trained professional whose goal is to train his or her client with a high level of intensity! Others might think about their excuse to grumble and complain for an hour. You might even think personal trainers are one of those overrated trade workers who just get paid for a piece of paper and here they are now claiming to know something, but instead they are just teaching their client’s cookie-cutter programs they find online while touting the idea that they are some kind of gift to mankind. In the right situation, you may be right, but at The Hub Gym, we decided to set a different standard for what personal training is. Personal Training at The Hub Gym in Broken Arrow is not simply a product our members pay for, it is the art of being both well trained and well informed on what will achieve the goals our members have. Our goal is to set the standard for what personal training actually should be.

Our first focus at The Hub Gym in Broken Arrow is to break down the walls we put around ourselves. We achieve this through what we call our First Step program. We first break down barriers and then help you focus your mind on your goals, both near and far. We do not let our clients create vague goals, but instead, they must be specific to what they need. At The Hub Gym, we are not only focused on physical goals, but we are also focused on the emotional and mental goals. Many of our Personal Training clients have very minor physical goals, but extensive emotional or mental goals, and exercise is a part of that process. After understanding the goals of our Personal Training clients at The Hub Gym, we focus our attention on creating a customized and sustainable program that each client can follow. This includes nutritional support and how to properly consume the food you need for both mental clarity and physical wellbeing, a sustainable schedule for when and how long each workout will happen, support on our social media and with other Personal Training clients, the knowhow to properly establish healthy habits, and coaching on how to have a healthy relationship with fitness, food, and fun.

The Hub Gym personal training method can only be as good as each of our trainers are, so that is why we take them through additional coaching and testing not required to be certified. We believe that our trainers are either growing or shrinking and without regular stimulation and ambitious growth, we believe that humans, in general, will naturally fall into a state of mediocrity. We are constantly challenging our trainers with regular testing on the primary movements including squats, bench press, pull-ups, deadlifts, overhead press, and bent over rows. We also rigorously train our trainers in more dynamic movements including kettlebell swings, cleans, bi-lateral movements, and impact moves such as box jumps. We also ensure our trainers grow in their conduct, professionalism, and communication with each member and client they interact with through weekly meetings and quarterly reviews.

At The Hub Gym we train our personal trainers on what we call the big five: focus, humanity, walking the walk, ask questions, and educate. Focus is important for our trainers to make the training routines we take our clients through applicable. Coaching a doctor to power lift is unnecessary if his or her focus is to simply be in decent functional shape. After focus, we train our personal trainers on what it means to understand individual human needs. The key here is knowing what makes each of us human. Many individuals seeking a personal trainer fear the idea of working with someone who has no idea what one is going through. In reality, every person has gone faced adversity, whether it be mental, physical, emotional, weight issues, consistency issues, or simply issues in believing success is possible. The goal is to show everyone we are the same, that as humans we all have our own personal set of struggles but in community and with helping each other, we are stronger. All of us face difficult life-changing situations, and each one of us struggles every day to make real-life happen. Our goal is to help create a connection from client to personal trainer, so the client and trainer have a positive relationship and foundation. Once we establish this connection, we ensure that all of our trainers are walking the walk. Nothing is more wasteful than listening to advice from a person who cannot do what they are telling you to do. Never listen to weight loss advice from a person who has never lost the weight they are asking you to lose. Never seek strength-building advice from a person who cannot deadlift more than two hundred pounds. Never ask a person with no understanding of nutrition about how to eat to reach your physical goals. If they have not been there, how would you expect them to get you there? We require competency of our personal trainers at The Hub Gym and they have to be able to show their journey, and they must be on one themselves. Working with a person who is not striving for something better allows you to be stagnant yourself. Once we are focused on the right style of training, have conveyed our humanity to others, and are now daily walking the walk, it is then time to turn towards asking questions of each personal training client at The Hub Gym. The most important one is “why are you here?”. Knowing you’re why leads you to change, knowing your why motivates you, and knowing you’re why will keep you on your journey to success. Finally, we educate. When you understand why you are doing what you do, it becomes much easier to take the next step. If you understand that food is what fuels you, and you do not need to be afraid of it, it is easy to choose good things for yourself. When you understand that every exercise you do is designed to mimic what we as humans would do in nature, it is easy to choose to exercise our bodies as needed.

At The Hub Gym in Broken Arrow, we strive for our personal trainers to exemplify these characteristics daily. Every trainer agrees to put in the work to connect, create, understand, and educate our clients to the best of their abilities, “To set the standard for personal training in Broken Arrow, Tulsa, and Oklahoma entirely.”

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